Pecan Pie Cookies - The Renaissance Kitchen

Pecan Pie Cookies

Last week, I made a basket for a raffle.  I put in it some autumnal-looking mugs, a tea towel, tea, organic honey, my kumquat marmalade, crackers and these pecan pie cookies.  I love putting together baskets.  You have to think of a theme.  Then, purchase a few items and plan what goodies to include.  It’s like creating a small menu.  It’s so fun.  With Thanksgiving just around the corner, I thought these cookies would be perfect for the basket and for you.

Pumpkin pie spice seems to be everywhere.  My tradition is to have an apple or pecan pie for dessert.  You see, we never ate pumpkin pie growing up.  My first Thanksgiving was celebrated when I was in fourth grade.  We had just moved and the church gave us all the fixings for dinner.  Mom continued to cook turkey for this holiday but our stuffing and side dishes were not the traditional ones.  We never had pumpkin pie.  You see, pumpkin, in Argentina, is a savory vegetable.  I don’t care for the pie at all.  I would buy a ready made one for my husband but I wouldn’t eat it. The dishes I cook today are a bit modified yet enough to be considered traditional.  So, along side your pumpkin pie, try these Pecan Pie Cookies.  I haven’t met a person who doesn’t like them!


Cookie Bottom

2 1/2 cups Flour

1 cup Butter, cut into small chunks

1/2 cup Sugar

1/2 tsp. Salt


4 Eggs

1 1/2 cups light or dark Corn Syrup

1 1/2 cups Sugar

3 Tbl. melted Butter

1 1/3 tsp. Vanilla

2 1/2 cups Pecans halves or chopped (It doesn’t make a difference in this recipe.)

Start with the Cookie Bottom.  Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.  Spray a 15 x 10 x 1 inch pan with cooking spray.


In a large bowl with a mixer, beat Flour, Butter, Sugar and Salt until mixture resembles fine crumbs.


Press with your fingers into the pan.


This is a shortbread recipe.

Bake 20-23 minutes or until golden brown.


While the Cookie Bottom is baking, work on the Topping.  Beat the Eggs, Corn Syrup, Sugar, Butter and Vanilla in a large bowl until well blended.


Stir in pecans.


Pour over hot Cookie Bottom and spread evenly.


Bake for 25 minutes or until filling is firm around the edges and pretty firm in the middle.  Cool completely and cut into bars.


If you cut the bars in 1 1/2 by 2 inches, you will get 48 bars.

Each servings contains:  205 Calories, 9.1grams Fat, 30 grams Carbs, 1.8 grams Protein



  1. julie says:

    I saw the raffle basket and heard excitement from the winner. It was beautiful and looked yummy!!! These cookies look like they would be a perfect addition to a coffee break with a good friend. I love the pictures with the directions. Thanks for sharing.

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