Oatmeal Pancakes - The Renaissance Kitchen

Oatmeal Pancakes

Some mornings a blueberry protein shake or yogurt with granola just isn’t enough. I wake up hungry wanting something nourishing and filling. You know what I mean. It’s that cold Sunday morning and your coffee cup is calling for some serious accompaniment. That’s when these oatmeal pancakes fit the bill. I prepare for them the night before and wake up looking forward to eating them. A few but good ingredients make this a healthy dish, except for all the butter I like on them. (But don’t tell on me.)

I found this recipe many years ago when my daughter was a little over two years old. She was found to be very anemic. Sounds strange but I was told that it was because she was allergic to milk and was not consuming any dairy products. We ate, as we do now, lots of protein and vegetables, so, I was surprised to hear this. I came to find out later that my husband’s family suffers from anemia. The pediatrician requested that I feed her lots of eggs, protein of all kinds and vegetables. My little one was put on a daily doses of liquid iron until her stomach couldn’t take it anymore and we stopped. Later the problem became her high cholesterol. Again, I found high cholesterol also runs in my husband’s family. I’m putting all the blame on the in-laws. No, just kidding. The doctor recommended that we follow a cookbook called The New American Diet. At the time, the medical community believed that eggs where large contributors to cholesterol and salt was very bad. The following recipe uses three egg whites, which I continue to use instead of the one whole egg that they replace. It also doesn’t have any salt. I don’t miss it and I don’t think you will either. The recipes in this book became a staple in my cooking. Many of them became a part of our daily meals. This recipe comes from that cookbook. Give it a try. It is one of my favorite breakfasts.



1 1/2 cups Uncooked Oatmeal **I don’t like the texture of stone cut oatmeal in this recipe but it will work.**

2 cups Buttermilk

3 Egg Whites

1 cup Whole Wheat Flour

2 tsp. Baking Soda

2 Tbl. Brown Sugar


Combine Oatmeal, Buttermilk and Egg Whites and set aside for at least 1 hour or better yet, refrigerate overnight.


It will be lumpy in the morning. If you feel it’s too dry, you can add a little more Buttermilk. This batter is THICK. Add the dry ingredients and stir until they are moistened. IMG_2722

Cook on a lightly oiled 350 degrees griddle. They are thick but look for the bubbles and the dry edges just like on regular pancakes. Then flip.


This recipe makes 12-16 pancakes.


Yup, I ate that whole stack…love them!

I freeze the leftovers. Just stack them with wax paper in between. Place in a plastic bag and in the freezer they go. The wax paper allows you to take out as many pancakes you want at a time. I have an option on my toaster to defrost and to reheat. I use these to heat u my pancakes and I’m good to go.


I almost forgot…the music.  I love to listen to classical music in the mornings.  If it’s a Sunday morning, I will be listening to NPR Classical Station.  For this particular breakfast, I love to listen to Vivaldi’s “The Four Seasons”, especially “Autumn”.  Try it.  Even if you are not much of a classical listener, you will recognize this piece.  It brings me joy as I am cooking.

One 4 inch pancake: 76 Calories, 3.7 grams Protein, 13.6 grams Carbs, 1 gram Fat, 1.8 grams Fiber.


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