Aunt Grace's Banana Bread - The Renaissance Kitchen

Aunt Grace’s Banana Bread

This time of year has me reminiscing of those who are no longer here with us.  Thinking of those who are gone brings me a deep sadness and yet, the memories make me smile if I’m not laughing out loud.  This Banana Bread recipe comes from my husband’s Aunt Grace.  She was a character.  I met her in her tiny pristine apartment.  The church was her neighbor.  This was very convenient since she was quite religious.  Aunt Grace was born in Italy with 4 of her 6 brothers.  The last two, one of which was my father-in-law, were born in the United States.  Aunt Grace didn’t reached 5 feet but she was strong.  She had to be.  Their mother died when the children were small and Aunt Grace took on the roll of mother.  She was a tough cookie who would change her car oil and oil filter.  She would used a toilet roll for the oil filter.  I guess that wasn’t so unusual back then.  She regularly went to exercise class.  When you talked with her on the phone, she never said goodbye.  When she was done with whatever she had to say, she would simply hang up and leave you hanging.

Aunt Grace loved her family. She didn’t have children but loved all her nieces and nephews and their children.  She could cook up a storm.  We would often go to her apartment for Easter.  She had to put the multiply folding tables end to end from the livingroom diagonally to the hallway.  Once everyone sat down, there was no room to move.  So, we always went to the bathroom before we started the meal.  Limited space never stopped her from inviting everyone.  Easter dinner was cooked in its entirety by her.  We were told that we were eating lamb, spinach, salad, potatoes, and lemon meringue pie.  Some of that was true but the lamb was always goat and the spinach, swiss chard.  This just makes me chuckle.  She was known for her cheesecake (ricotta pie), pie crusts and banana bread.  I don’t know if this recipe is unique or not.  It’s the only one I have ever made.  It doesn’t matter.  It came from love and the family continues to make it with love.  I hope you will, too.


1 cup Sugar

1/2 cup Butter

2 Eggs

3 Bananas, very ripe

1 1/4 cup Flour

1 tsp. Baking Soda

1/2 tsp. Salt

2/3 cups Nuts (optional, I usually omit them.)


Cream Butter and Sugar together.


In a separate bowl, mix dry ingredients together with a whisk.


In another bowl, whip the Eggs and Bananas. I try to get the Bananas to dissolve as much as possible and to make the mixture as light as I can.


Add the Egg/Banana mixture to the Butter and Sugar.  Mix well.

IMG_2857Add the dry ingredients a bit at a time. Pour into a 4 by 8 inch pan and bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour.


Makes 16 – 1/2 inch slices.  Each slice contains: 213 Calories, 6.5 grams Fat, 37.9 grams Carbs, 2.1 grams Protein.

Music:  Have you listened to Dean Martin lately?  Hmmm….

Thanks, Aunt Grace.

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