About - The Renaissance Kitchen


Maria Farr

Hello! I am so glad you are here. My name is Maria Farr or Señora Farr to many. I began The Renaissance Kitchen to share my passion of food and olive oil.

I had family dinners every day growing up and as a mom, I continued the tradition of cooking every night. With a full time job, my focus was always on quick and easy with fresh and healthy ingredients for dinner. But when we have company, that’s where I try new recipes and get creative. My mom cooked from scratch and that’s what I do, too. If I am to splurge on a decadent dessert, I want to make sure it is the most delicious I can make.

I am of Argentine heritage. I was born there but raised in the United States. My mom kept a large tin can of olive oil under the kitchen sink and she used it in EVERY meal. She made French fries with garlic in olive oil. Mashed potatoes were made with olive oil. In fact, any potato had olive oil in it or on it. Everything pretty much had it.

I, too, followed in my mom’s footsteps but it wasn’t until I took an olive oil tasting class that I realized how wonderfully healthy this fat is and how little we consumers know about it. I became a sensory panelist and learned how to detect if the oil has any defects and, ultimately, labeling it extra virgin or not.

So, my mission is to explore and share healthy and delicious dishes and to educate my fellow consumers on Extra Virgin Olive Oil by using and giving tips of this beneficial ingredient.

I invite you to join me as I continue my journey. Here’s to many hours of cooking, music, stories, and joy!